More colors, more movement, and more design options like background images and patterns!

Image of fruit with illustration of leaves around the border Image of a dining table with a purple and gold gradient around the edge of the photo. Image of a girl doing yoga with a dark background and linework pattern around the border of the picture Image of a front porch with a solid color around the border of the photo

Brand Elements

Push your brands colors & patterns!

Ready to give your branding a huge boost? Jonah’s Enhanced Homepage gives more color and pattern options on your homepage, letting you make an even stronger impact with your branding.

Animation Effects

Draw attention with eye-catching movement.

With Enhanced Homepage, you can add multiple full-width content areas with unique, targeted CTAs and eye-catching movement, making it easier than ever to engage your prospects.

Customize your community website with even more powerful add-ons.

Make your website as unique as your community! Pick and choose from our library of add-ons made specifically for multifamily.