Did you know a single positive review can lift your conversions by 10%?

hand holding a phone with Jonah's Resident Reviews website add-on displayed. 3 bubbles sit on top showing Reputation.com, Kingsley and Modern Message as providers.

Integrated with Reputation Managers

Resident Reviews makes it easy to use positive reviews.

Jonah’s Resident Reviews add-on integrates with reputation managers like Modern Message, Reputation.com, and Kingsley to put your residents’ kind words right on your homepage.

two women sit across from each other at a table in a coffee shop talking

People Trust Reviews

Use the power of social proof.

Research shows that prospects are 12x more likely to believe reviews over marketing copy. Your residents are already saying nice things about you. Shouldn’t you leverage that for your communities?

Customize your community website with even more powerful add-ons.

Make your website as unique as your community! Pick and choose from our library of add-ons made specifically for multifamily.